Why I Can’t Follow My Peace

I like peace. I like things to go smoothly, people to be happy and everyone to get along. Naive? Maybe. Unrealistic? Definitely! So now I am in a position where I have to willingly disturb the peace.When I pray, I always ask for God’s will to be done. I want what He wants and IContinueContinue reading “Why I Can’t Follow My Peace”

Good Intentions

As  I am visiting with a friend I hear the water running outsideI yell out the screen door. “KJ turn off that water!” “Okay mom!” He replies and I hear the faucet is being shut off. A few minutes later I hear the water running again.”KJ!””Yes mommy?””Is that water back on?””Yes.” He sighs knowing heContinueContinue reading “Good Intentions”

Worshiping Through

My sweet girl is teaching me to worship through. To understand how powerful this video is let me tell you about her morning. She woke up and wanted yogurt for breakfast, we didn’t have any more. As her dad fixes breakfast I shower and prepare for a client who’s coming to get her hair done. She wantsContinueContinue reading “Worshiping Through”

A Little About Me

Before getting pregnant I had a plan. I knew exactly how things would go. My husband and I had just gotten married. We would wait three years, two if I could reach my goal sooner. During that time I would work my butt off and get to the point in my career where I couldContinueContinue reading “A Little About Me”