How to Teach Your Kids Emotional Intelligence

Kids feel so much and have such a limited vocabulary. Teaching children Emotional Intelligence techniques allows them to better handle stress while helping you as a parent stress less. It may seem like a big task but once broken down it’s really easy. Make these tasks habits and you will see a big change inContinueContinue reading “How to Teach Your Kids Emotional Intelligence”

5 Ways to Be An Emotionally Intelligent Parent

Have you heard of Emotional Intelligence? It’s a buzzword that has been going around the past few years. Heres the scoop. It basically means the ability to control one’s emotions and even the emotions of others. So the higher your Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) the better you are at keeping a grip on life.ContinueContinue reading “5 Ways to Be An Emotionally Intelligent Parent”

Waterbead Experiment

Have you heard about water beads? TheseĀ things grow about 20 times their size and they are seriously addictive. Well, I got some, for the kids, and turned it into a learning experience. The word of the day was “absorb” watch our video below then read through our critical thinking questions.   Questions What doesContinueContinue reading “Waterbead Experiment”

Primary Color Lab

My kid’s favorite way to learn is through touch. They love to build, create, and destroy so this lab was a great way to teach them about primary colors and how they are used to create other colors. So I grabbed some red, yellow, and blue craft paint some paper and a brush. We headedContinueContinue reading “Primary Color Lab”

6 Steps to Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy

Every now and then I go through these spells where I feel completely inadequate. I feel my job as a mom is not enough and I get the itch to find gratification outside of my home. This isn’t a bad thing in and of itself except when it causes me to lose sleep, act grouchyContinueContinue reading “6 Steps to Overcoming Feelings of Inadequacy”

The Mystery Blogger Award

I am grateful and honored to have been recognized for this award! I want to thank The Crowning Glory for the nomination! She is a great lifestyle blogger sharing her adventures with the world. Here are three things you may not know about me… I am sensitiveĀ I hate to admit it but sometimes my feelingsContinueContinue reading “The Mystery Blogger Award”